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About Clouded Leopards

Clouded leopards are called the smallest of the Big Cats and have many unique adaptations to help make them successful predators. Unfortunately, their numbers are decreasing due to habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict.

Child Rock Climbing

How You Can Support

There are many ways to get involved with International Clouded Leopard Day. Join us for events and fundraisers, participate in educational programs, or donate to help support our conservation efforts. Spread the word about this special day and the cat that it celebrates.

Together, we can make a difference in protecting these amazing cats and their habitats.

Hiking in Forest

Who Are We?

S.P.E.C.I.E.S., the Society for the Preservation of Endangered Carnivores and their International Ecological Study, believes that the unique ecological and behavioral adaptations of the clouded leopard, along with their distinctive appearance, make them an ideal candidate for a “flagship” species. We believe is so much that we chose this small “big cat” as our logo!

Through Project Neofelis, SPECIES aims to promote the clouded leopard as a flagship species, bringing much needed awareness and urgency to its conservation.

We aim to:

  • Use clouded leopard camera trap ‘by-catch’ data to better inform conservation planning.

  • Establish collaborative outreach projects and population surveys in every country throughout its range.

  • Use our focus on clouded leopards as an example to emphasize the need for awareness and protection of smaller, more endangered, feline species including the bay cat (Catopuma badia), marbled cat (Pardofelis marmot) and flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps).

  • Connect the public with clouded leopards through social media, engaging video content, graphic design, and classroom education.

  • Develop a professional network facilitating greater collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders.

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